Configurator for fixed ladders, steps and bridging steps
Made to measure at no extra charge!
Stairs and platforms
Fixed ladders and installations
Medical Configurator
ZARGES online configurator for steps, platforms and bridging steps
Whether access, bridging or mobile platforms workplace. With the online configurator for steps, maintenance steps, access steps, platforms, platform steps and maintenance platforms, you get a solution easily with no waiting time – and without missing out on advice from our customer service department.
The advantages for you:
- Intuitive operation
- 3-D models during configuration
- Instant quotation with drawings and 3-D model
- Made to measure at no extra charge!
10 years ZARGES configurator – 10 years made to measure at no extra charge.
- Configured in 10 minutes
- An offer in 10 seconds
- Produced in 10 days according to your specifications

The ZARGES configurator for fixed ladders and fixed ladder systems
maintenance ladders, emergency ladders, rescue ladders and machine access. The online planning system for fixed ladders guides you step by step to a fully configured fixed ladder. All relevant areas such as basic dimensions, material, platform arrangement and application area are queried and guide you logically through the configuration process.
The advantages for you:
- Standards-compliant configuration including real-time 3D visualisation
- Direct quotation including all important dimensions
- 3D drawings for importing into your plans
- Downloads for static calculations, measurement and check sheets
- Tender texts