Industry & plant engineering
Whether it's a customised or standard solution – your requirement is our challenge. We never lose sight of your project. And we are still there for you when it's all wrapped up. To provide the perfect...
FAQ – Questions on ZARGES boxes
We have put together a list of frequently asked questions on this page for you. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please feel free to contact our customer service team. How protected is a...
On the trail of global warming with ZARGES boxes
Trail of Change #2 Trail of Change #2 (TOC) is a scientific expedition project by geomorphologist Hannes Künkel. In an expedition in October 2014, he and his Third Pole team travelled to the Himalayas...
50 years and still no signs of weariness
This picture was sent to us by a delighted ZARGES customer. This ladder has been in use for around 50 years and continues to do its job every day. What else to say about it? ZARGES quality speaks for...
Exclusive: interview on the longest e-bike expedition in the world
The longest e-bike expedition in the world. Constant companion: a ZARGES box. A special kind of endurance test. Tanja and Denis Katzer are currently on the longest e-bike expedition in the world:...