
For us more than environmental protection

"For ZARGES, sustainability is much more than environmental protection. Of course, this is a central component, but it is essentially about preserving the development opportunities for future generations in every respect. Companies' value-added processes must be based on this, as must people's consumer behavior.

"For us, sustainability is not a marketing instrument, but a voluntary commitment that goes beyond pure climate protection. We strive to create more value with fewer resources and to do so in harmony with economic, ecological and social responsibility. The future ZARGES Sustainability Council is responsible for projects develop that helps us to achieve our goals step by step."

Maximilian Treptow, CEO

Focus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG has determined the climate impact associated with our companies for us: The operational emissions of ZARGES GmbH amount to approx. 4,400 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. Accordingly, we have offset the annual CO2 emissions for 2021 by purchasing climate protection certificates, so that our company is one of the first in our industry to voluntarily offset its emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol.

Handover of the certificate by our sustainability consultancy Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG.

Our climate protection projects


Reforestation project with a total of 21,298 ha. Forest plantations for the production of high-quality, long-lasting wood products and for the storage of large amounts of carbon dioxide. Saving C02 / T per year: 127,416

ADPML Portel-Para REDD Project, Brazil

The main goal of the project is to avoid illegal logging in domestic forests, thus achieving CO2 storage of 10,564,630 tons of CO2 over a period of 41 years. Saving C02 / T per year: 264,116

"The three + 1 pillars of sustainability at ZARGES

The three pillars of sustainable development require that sustainability can only be achieved through the equal interplay of environmental, economic and social goals. In this way it can be ensured that the economic, ecological and social development of a society is steered in a positive way and that performance is improved across the board.

Pillar # 1 – ecological sustainability

Protection of the environment and nature. An economical and conscious use of energy, water and raw materials must be lived as a natural self-image. Especially with non-renewable raw materials. This is to avoid the harmful use of our ecosystem and instead promote biodiversity. Emissions apply to prevent it in any form (pollution of air, soil or water) and to process it in such a way that the pollution does not cause any damage.

Pillar # 2 – Social Sustainability

Fair pay, reasonable working conditions and the implementation of employee interests - the general welfare must always be taken into account and economic success must also be used to balance out social tensions and the unequal distribution of privileges in society.

Pillar # 3 – Economic Sustainability

Neither we as a company nor society are allowed to live and operate beyond natural conditions. Economy that is based on exploitation inevitably leads to losses for later generations and does not secure a long-term existence. Fair and social value creation is a principle of our corporate philosophy.

Pillar # 4 – Security

As a manufacturer of safety-relevant work equipment, ZARGES has committed to another pillar of sustainability: safety. With our products and processes, we ensure the safety of our employees, but also a safe working environment for our customers and thus contribute to better planning and secure employment.

The ZARGES sustainability strategy.
What we do and what we are specifically working on to improve.

Code of Conduct

With the introduction of the Code of Conduct, we, the ZARGES GmbH, are taking another firm step towards fulfilling our global and local responsibilities.

Our Code of Conduct formulates our guidelines for the application of ethical standards such as integrity, honesty and compliance with the law. The Code of Conduct contains the basic principles and rules on how we conduct ourselves within the company and in relation to our external partners and the public.

Corruption distorts competition, leads to higher costs, can result in substantial fines and damage to the company's image, and endangers jobs in the company.

The competitiveness of ZARGES GmbH depends to a large extent on the fact that ZARGES GmbH and the members of its management, department heads and employees observe all applicable laws and other relevant provisions for legal and ethical conduct in their business decision-making and actions at home and abroad. Stable business cooperation for the benefit of all can only be achieved through fair competition and strict compliance with the law. Legitimate, responsible conduct within ZARGES GmbH is the basic prerequisite for maintaining the trust of customers and business partners.

An essential prerequisite for legal and ethical conduct is the avoidance of conflicts of interest between business and personal interests in connection with business contacts and business transactions. In this context, personal interests must never be the main motive behind a business transaction and should never take precedence over business interests. Corruption of any sort distorts competition, leads to higher costs, can result in substantial fines and damage to the company's image, and endangers jobs in the company. Corrupt behaviour and other forms of undue influence are therefore not tolerated within ZARGES GmbH or among its customers and business partners and violations are stringently pursued. A principle of zero tolerance principle is applied.

Violations are stringently pursued.
A principle of zero tolerance principle is applied.

This Code of Conduct sets out important standards which, in addition to the basic principles, set global benchmarks for the avoidance of conflicts of interest and corrupt behaviour by setting down clear guidelines for correct conduct, in particular with regard to the acceptance and granting of benefits to business partners in the day-to-day business activities of ZARGES GmbH.