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Work experience at ZARGES
Are you unsure what you want to do later on or are you looking to gain work experience during your studies? ZARGES offers interesting insights into the different occupations of an industrial company. The choice of career and the choice of the training company is one of the most important decisions for personal and professional success.
We offer practicals for students, pupils and those wanting to retrain, and provide insights into the areas of sales, marketing, human resources, production, quality management, logistics and materials management.
Our practical work experience
Work experience for school pupils Work experience for school pupils
We offer one-week internships for pupils from secondary schools, technical colleges and grammar schools for the following occupations:
- Business administration
- Industrial mechanics
You can expect interesting insights and varied tasks, i.e. daily working life at ZARGES. Among a team, you get a taste of the job and the company and gain initial experience for your future career.
Are you interested? Please call us first to find out if any work experience opportunities are available and then send us your application to:
ZARGES GmbH, Zargesstraße 7, 82362 Weilheim, Germany
Tel. +49 881 687-235, personal@zarges.de
We will be happy to answer any queries at any time.
Work experience for university students Work experience for university students
We offer work experience to enable you to put your theoretical knowledge into practice and fully apply your skills. As a fully integrated member of the team, you will get to know all the workflows, processes and structures and thereby gain comprehensive experience.
Bachelor or Master thesis at ZARGES
- Write your thesis as part of a project at ZARGES.
Voluntary work experience or pre-study industrial practical in the technical field
- Do you require practical tasks for the theory you have learned?
- Are you seeking a practical prior to the beginning of your University studies?
- Do you wish to gain experience of technical work in an industrial company?
Mandatory practical in the technical or business fields
- During the practical phase of your studies, you will require a placement within a company. We can be the right place for you:
- Do you enjoy taking on new tasks?
- Do you wish to gain experience of technical work in an industrial company?
- Do you wish to convert your theoretical knowledge into practical work?
Are you interested? Please call us first to find out whether we have any opportunities available for practical experience and then send us your application to:
ZARGES GmbH, Zargesstraße 7, 82362 Weilheim, Germany
Tel. +49 881 687-235, personal@zarges.de
We will be happy to answer any queries at any time.
are you interested in doing a practical at ZARGES
Send a full application to ZARGES GmbH, Zargesstraße 7, 82362 Weilheim, Germany.
We will be happy to answer your queries. You can contact us by e-mail at personal@zarges.de or by telephone under +49 881 687 235.