Participation and payment conditions
The registration fee is € 369 plus VAT per person. The registration fee includes detailed seminar documentation as well as drinks, lunch and a certificate. You will receive the invoice before the seminar.
Conditions of participation and payment:
1. scope of application
The seminars are not intended for consumers in the sense of § 13 BGB.
2. registration
Registrations must be made in writing or preferably online via our homepage. They will be processed in the chronological order in which they are received.
3. conclusion of the contract
The number of participants in the seminars is limited. The contract for participation in the seminar is therefore not concluded with the registration of the contractual partner, but only with our written confirmation.
4. substitute participants
Our contractual partner may also send a substitute participant to the seminars instead of the registered participant, provided that the substitute participant meets the requirements for participation in the seminar.
5 Right of withdrawal of the contractual partner
Our contractual partner may withdraw from the contract up to two weeks before the start of the seminar. Decisive is the timely receipt of the withdrawal declaration in written form by us. In this case, the obligation to pay the seminar costs does not apply. Payments already made will be refunded.
6 Right of withdrawal of ZARGES GmbH
We reserve the right to withdraw from the contract up to 1 week before the seminar date if the number of participants is too low. An insufficient number of participants shall be deemed to exist if the minimum number of 5 participants has not been reached by 1 week before the seminar date. We further reserve the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of hindrances caused by force majeure or for which we are not responsible, such as illness of the instructor. In all these cases the participants will be informed immediately. Seminar fees already paid will be refunded. Further claims do not exist.
7. seminar costs
The stated participation costs are net prices and include the cost of the catering provided. Not included in the price is the value added tax in the respective legal amount as well as accommodation costs and parking fees.
8. due date of the seminar costs
The seminar costs are due upon receipt of the invoice. We are entitled to cancel the seminar contract if the invoice amount is not received by us 2 weeks after the due date. This does not apply if the contracting party proves that the bank is at fault.
9. data protection
The data required for registration and execution of the seminar will be recorded and processed electronically. The data will only be passed on in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.
10. jurisdiction agreement and choice of law
The place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from this contract is the local court responsible for D-82362 Weilheim. The contract is subject to German law