Trains & rail transport
Mobile access solutions – to get you where you want to reach ZARGES access solutions can be designed to suit the requirements of any rail vehicle – whether you are looking for a solution with fixed or...
ZARGES RSO – shelving organisation system The new ZARGES RSO is a closed shelf trolley for all areas of application in hospitals and nursing facilities, where clear storage and efficient distribution...
Shelving system
People are able to pick order fast and thus work efficiently if they can find their way around a warehouse quickly and have a good overview of the products in storage. However, warehousing can be made...
Surgery logistics
Mobile and flexible supply for optimal OR procedures Our modular cabinet and shelving systems, anaesthesia and case trolleys help you to make optimum use of available space and reduce disruption and...
ZARGES PaxTower. The 1-click folding scaffold.
Unfold. Click. Hook. Climb. The NEW PaxTower range is designed to provide maximum safety when working at height. With the ability to build to a working height of up to 7.65 m, the PaxTower scaffold...